Our sweet Hudson just recently turned 9 months old. I was able to get him in for a few pictures at the very last minute recently! I had a 30 minutes in between sessions and his Momma brought him over. Forgot about clothing for this session…so we did the cute little naked bum thing that I love with this age! He kept trying to turn himself around and flash his Grammy. Lol..not appropriate for the website buddy! So funny! He really is the sweetest little guy! We are so in love with him!
From my perspective he is the best…ask his Mom and she might roll her eyes at you! This first year is HARD! All you Moms out there totally get this! He has had tummy issues and when that finally gets under control ( once we got the right medicine) then the whole teething thing starts! Is it just little males that are so much drama when they are teething? When his Momma is around and someone else is holding him… he literally tracks her with his eyes! He adores his Momma! She walks in the room and he lights up and smiles so big…its the cutest thing!
So Moms…don’t let this first year of your babies life keep you so busy that you don’t capture all this cutestness! I heard a quote recently and even though I’ve heard it so many times before it really hit me! “The day are long but the years are short“ It’s really the truth! I wish I could go back and re-live my children’s lives when they were babies! I would make sure I didn’t miss a single thing and document and capture every image I possibly could! My preaching for today! Capture your babies cute face…cute toes…cute bum and even the cute cry! Because at some point..you’ll wish you had!
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