I love love when I get the opportunity to photograph twins! It’s not often ;( but such fun! Sometimes it can be tricky! You get one newborn settled and then the other baby wakes up and so it can definitely challenging! But a fun challenge! Little Beau and Hudson were over the top PRECIOUS! Look at how sweet these images turned out 🙂 It was so much work though lol I was able to get them in such cute poses that show off the love twins have! I can’t even image the work thought for the family! I could only handle one newborn at a time! They definitely have my respect!
I love the way these boys curled up together! They made my job so easy! Love…Love

I would love to photograph your baby! Twins or not! find me here
Find me here on Facebook!
I get very busy this time of year so don’t delay! I would love to talk with you! I love newborns!