I got to meet the most darling newborn recently! She tipped the scale over 9 pounds! I was told before the session she was a very alert baby. I was definitely a little worried, and prepared for alert shots! But Mom followed my instructions to the T…and It worked! She was OUT the whole time! Just precious! So much pink in the studio lately! After a long string of newborn baby boys…I have so many baby girls coming! Lots waiting to be born…and a few coming in January as well! So much fun! It really doesn’t matter to me as the photographer…I love both the little boys and the girls!
I’ve been editing like a mad lady lately! I’ll be finished soon, I hope lol. My husband bought me a super fancy laptop recently…I think he was hoping I could sit out on the couch and edit next to him lol…I tried 🙁 I’m back at the desktop! I find I can’t control the colors as well or use my great Wacom tablet pen! A little behind the scenes on my editing…In case you care lol. I’m hoping to be done in the next few days but then I look at my schedule and realize I’m never really done! I’ve had a busy month! and lots of newborns still to be born this month! So keep watching the website…I’ll pop in and post some great families I’ve photographed this fall!

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Contact me here to schedule your session!